New Testcase for the  vs  unicode in exercise Acronym

Exercise Acronym

Hello, in the video you mention this case with  vs Â. Maybe we want to add this as a testcase? Raku normalizes them anyway, but just for completenes maybe? Unicode | Raku Documentation

I am not familar with how this begin/end strings get generated, hence here only the testcase. Maybe you like to add it.

my @l = 
   "\c[Latin Capital Letter A, Combining Grave Accent]",
   "\c[Latin Capital Letter A with Grave]",
   "\c[Latin Capital Letter E, Combining Grave Accent]",
   "\c[Latin Capital Letter E with Grave]",
   "\c[Latin Small Letter A, Combining Grave Accent]",
   "\c[Latin Small Letter A with Grave]",
   "\c[Latin Small Letter E, Combining Grave Accent]",
   "\c[Latin Small Letter E with Grave]",
   "\c[Latin Capital Letter ae with Macron]";

cmp-ok( # begin: ???
    'with graves or combined À à Ê è and Ǣ - single chars.',
); # end: ???

cmp-ok( # begin: ???
    abbreviate(@l.join('xyz  ')),
    'with graves or combined À à Ê è and Ǣ - and some attached normal chars.',
); # end: ???
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I think that this test case was created as an example for the video, it doesn’t look like its implemented as part of the exercise upstream yet?

Then I remove the flag “Raku”. For Raku it does not matter anyway

raku -e 'say "\c[Latin Capital Letter A, Combining Grave Accent]" cmp "\c[Latin Capital Letter A with Grave]"'

I liked this example and beliefe it is valuable for the exercise in general.

Can not remove the Raku Flag … :-(

That’s correct. I’ll move this to the “Exercism” category to discuss, as this is not necessarily Raku specific.