Newly downloaded tests for exercise is failing to run in sbcl

So I’m just starting out. I have solved a couple of exercises with the web editor. Now I’ve downloaded my solution for pizza-pi and want to try and run the tests with sbcl. Can’t get this simple thing to work. :slight_smile:

(load “pizza-pi-test”) runs fine and returns T (true I guess?).

(pizza-pi-test:run-tests) fails saying “Package PIZZA-PI-TEST does not exist.”.

What might I be missing here? Any ideas?

How did you download your solution?
Does pizza-pi-test.lisp contain this line?

(defpackage :pizza-pi-test

I downloaded my solution using the exercism comman line tool. And pizza-pi-test.lisp contains thing. (invocation? function call?)

(defpackage :pizza-pi-test
  (:use :cl :fiveam :pizza-pi)
  (:export :run-tests))

Not sure what might be going on. I just tried it myself and it works.

Here is what I see when I evaluate (load "pizza-pi-test")

* (load "pizza-pi-test")
To load "fiveam":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "fiveam"


Do you get any different output?

Then evaluating (pizza-pi-test:run-tests) produces:

* (pizza-pi-test:run-tests)

Running test suite PIZZA-PI-SUITE
 Running test DOUGH-RATIO .....
 Running test SPLASH-OF-SAUCES ..........
 Running test CHEESE-PLEASE .....
 Running test FAIR-SHARE ..........
 Did 30 checks.
    Pass: 30 (100%)
    Skip: 0 ( 0%)
    Fail: 0 ( 0%)


NOTE I ran sbcl with the following command-line sbcl --no-userinit --load ~/.quicklisp/setup.lisp to ensure that nothing in my .sbclrc was doing anything. Without loading quicklisp loading pizza-pi-test will not work.

I’m assuming that you have SBCL set up to load quicklisp when it is started…

Something is wrong with my quicklisp install it seems. I have installed it by doing (quicklisp-quickstart:install). Then to load it on startup (ql:add-to-init-file). .sbclrc contains:

(let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp"
  (when (probe-file quicklisp-init)
    (load quicklisp-init)))

When I do (load pizza-pi-test) I do not get the same out put as you. I just get a singe T. I’m a bit lost here. Can you see what’s wrong with my setup?

Have you read Installing Common Lisp locally?

No, I had not, but have now. I’ll try to install with Roswell. However, I don’t think that’s a requirement to get this to work. Installing sbcl and quicklisp seemed easy enough, but I clearly have done something wrong.