Hi! This is more a question for the Exercism admins.
I’m the maintainer of the Cairo language track, and Cairo is a language from the Starknet blockchain space. It came to my attention that it would be possible to onboard the track repository onto OnlyDust, which supports and sponsors Starknet-related open source projects, enabling me to reward contributors with crypto tokens for their work.
Is this something Exercism would support doing? Wanted some official confirmation before proceeding with applying for the platform.
What does this mean exactly?
We would have to install OnlyDust GitHub app on the exercism/cairo repository, which would give the app:
- Read access to metadata and pull requests
- Read and write access to issues
Then coordinate with OnlyDust to get us approved for a grant (most likely in crypto tokens, like USDC, ETH or STRK…), which we can then use to reward contributors to the project.
We’ll discuss this internally!
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Let me know what you decide!
P.S. The rewards could only be sent to those contributors that themselves consented to this by creating an account on OnlyDust.
Just checking in to see if there were any updates?
Not yet, we’re very busy. Sorry.
Sorry for the delay, but I don’t think we’ll be supporting this. The part where " * Read and write access to issues" is required is not something we’re comfortable with.
Fair enough, thanks for the update!