Scala Hello world

Hi, I am new on the platform. I have just wrote first scala exercise and have problem with tests.

My code:

object HelloWorld {
  def hello() = "Hello, World!"


mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:1: error: object Matchers is not a member of package org.scalatest
did you mean matchers?
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite}
/mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:4: error: not found: type FunSuite
class HelloWorldTest extends FunSuite with Matchers {
/mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:4: error: not found: type Matchers
class HelloWorldTest extends FunSuite with Matchers {
/mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:6: error: not found: value test
  test("Say Hi!") {
/mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:7: error: value should is not a member of String
    HelloWorld.hello() should be ("Hello, World!")
/mnt/exercism-iteration/src/test/scala/HelloWorldTest.scala:7: error: not found: value be
    HelloWorld.hello() should be ("Hello, World!")
6 errors

It seems like a problem with test itself. Can anyone help?

I’ve pasted this into the online editor and it runs fine, which makes me think it’s likely something is off with your local setup.

I don’t know Scala (hopefully someone who does can help soon!) but you might want to use the online editor for now to move forward :slight_smile:

Thanks, but the problem is visible on online editor for me :frowning:

Have you done anything locally at all? For example done one solution then submitted it?