Scheme accumulate exercism tests broken

All of the submissions for “accumulate” are failing tests, or the tests are failing to run. It’s a fairly simple exercise and all of the solutions are the same / similar.

What is your code?

What does “failing” mean? Is there any output? What is it?

I’ll include my code since you asked, but you can see that all of the community solutions are failing as well, so my code is likely not the problem (also works locally with guile or chez scheme):

(define (accumulate f xs)
  (if (null? xs)
    (cons (f (car xs)) (accumulate f (cdr xs)))))

By failing, I mean under “tests” it says:


An error occurred while running your tests. This might mean that there was an issue in our infrastructure, or it might mean that you have something in your code that’s causing our systems to break.

Please check your code, and if nothing seems to be wrong, try running the tests again.

take a look at the community solutions and see that they all have a red dot (failing tests):

+cc @jitwit @guygastineau

Probably related to Tests for exercise "accumulator" broken? - #6 by swsch