Shellcheck version

What version of shellcheck are we using ? As far as I can tell we may be using 0.8.0 from the dockerfile for ubuntu 22.04.

(Version 0.9.0 of shellcheck is available as of 2022-12.)

Thanks !

Thanks for checking. Do you feeling like taking this on?

Happy to help, but be forewarned I have zero docker experience !

First guess is that this may be a single line change to the interim release of Ubuntu 22.10 (which hopefully includes the latest shellcheck).


-FROM ubuntu:22.04
+FROM ubuntu:22.10

Am I on the right path?

Kind of, but we canā€™t rely on ā€œhopefullyā€, we have to go check:
searching Ubuntu packages for shellcheck, we can see that 22.10 still uses v0.8.0

The right approach to take would be to download the latest stable release tarball from shellcheckā€™s github (, untar it, and install the binary into a directory in the PATH.

Okay ā€” I have shellcheck 0.9.0 installed. Iā€™m using nix as a package manager and Iā€™m on macOS:

$ which shellcheck

$ shellcheck --version
ShellCheck - shell script analysis tool
version: 0.9.0

So I take it I donā€™t need the binary tarball ?

I mean those steps need to happen in the Dockerfile


RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y bats ruby shellcheck jq && \
    apt-get purge --auto-remove && \
    apt-get clean && \
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

so that shellcheck is not installed through APT but from the tarball.

Righto, so it looks like I need Docker Desktop installed otherwise we have issues like:

$ docker run hello-world
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?.

The install requirements for Docker Desktop list a minimum of macOS 11 while Iā€™m on an un-upgradable 10.

Is this a dead end or am I reading this wrong ?

Thanks, @glennj

I believe that the docker CLI can be installed with Homebrew: Docker Desktop is not required.

I have docker installed, but that appears insufficient on macOS according to Kevin Burkeā€™s stackoverflow comment.

Following those instructions, I also installed docker-machine and virtualbox to enable containerization. Home brew installed virtualbox even though it cannot run on my un-upgradeable system:


Now Iā€™m thinking that this was all futile as my CPU is too old and doesnā€™t support virtualization anyway.

Following the official docker instructions, I got as far as:

$ docker-machine create default
Running pre-create checks...
Error with pre-create check: "signal: abort trap"

So I think I may have to pass on this opportunity !

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