Submit button is confusing in editor

Conversely, I submitted a new iteration (in the previously mentioned discussion with @MatthijsBlom), but I’m not seeing it in the feedback panel in the code editor. It is, however, viewable in my side of the mentor discussion and the iterations panel.

Plus, the Submit button is clickable even though I haven’t made any changes - remains clickable when I reset to last iteration (even though I haven’t made any changes). Clicking it does not result in a new iteration, though - I get a model like this:

Yeah, I find this confusing too. @dem4ron can we change this so that this whole “Success” div is a “You’ve submitted your iteration” div if it’s already been submitted please (ie when the person goes back to the editor later).

@dem4ron Could you look at this too pls.
@safwansamsudeen Could you post a couple of screenshots please.

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Here’s the feedback panel version now: it’s missing iterations 2 and 3, which I submitted just before 4. Note that before I made the most recent comment shown, not even #4 was showing - it was stuck on the weird bug comment.

In the mentoring discussion, things are alright:

@iHiD @dem4ron, again: it seems only the last iteration is shown.