I’m really enjoying Exercism, thank you!
Would like to suggest a fix for a small typo in the first example of “Little Sister’s Essay” exercise.
Here’s a PR: [Essays] Fix a typo in the exercise introduction by anym0us · Pull Request #3672 · exercism/python · GitHub
man_in_hat_ru = 'mужчина в шляпе'
is a latin/roman letter).
A suggested change:
man_in_hat_ru = 'мужчина в шляпе'
is expected to be a cyrillic letter).
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I cannot believe that that typo has been sitting there all this time! 
Thank you for catching that, and for submitting a PR. 
I have reopened and commented on it. The same change is needed in the related string-methods
concept file. Once that change is made, I will approve and merge. 
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Hello @BethanyG!
I’ve made changes to concept file as well.
P.S. No worries. I’m happy to make Exercism even better!
Hi @dcheremushkin 
Your PR has been approved and merged1 
Thanks again 
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