The #12in23 Challenge!

I sort of thought the monthly badges would probably suffice for that, but as they’re also earnable in the future, a #12in23-participant badge seems good. Probably awarded if you earned at least one of the other 12in23 badges during the year. Thoughts?

(cc @ErikSchierboom)


I thought at first that having 12 languages with >=5 submissions in 2023 should satisfy this requirement, but then the extra (tough) challenges came along.

But… this will make my nice even columns of badges offset!

Hi! So, if I understand correctly: there is a “12in23 Participant” badge (for 5 exercises in any track) and there is a badge for finishing the featured exercises, but there will be no badge for just finishing the challenge (i.e. 12 different tracks, 5 exercises each, no matter if featured)? I just want to confirm, since after finishing the 12th language in December I didn’t get any new badges ;)

There has been some discussion about this in Discord.

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We’re going to add both the participant badge (I don’t think this exists yet) and the “used any 12 languages in one year” one (which will probably be any 5 exercises in any 12 languages, although I might make it any 3 exercises)


Just thought of something. If I remember correctly, at the beginning of the year the monthly badges were Ultimate, and then, after an update, they became Rare. What about this: If a user participated in a month and solved 5 exercises then that user earns the Rare badge. But if this user solved the suggested exercises, then the badge’s rarity gets upgraded to Ultimate. I think this will be a good incentive for those who won’t be able to do the whole year’s worth of suggested exercises but still might be able to do some months completely.

I hurriedly completed some Lua exercises on 31st December but didn’t get the December badge (I missed only November). Although I was awarded the New Year resolution one on 31st December. As I’m in UTC that was a bit unexpected! Is there something strange happening with the date calculation?

We treat dates as “anywhere in the world” and basically use date +- as our highly scientific formula.

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I’ve looked into this and hello-world does not count towards the badge, and that is one of the five Lua exercises you’ve published.

Hello! Is it still possible to get 12in23 badges? I have completed some Jurassic July featured exercises in C++ but I can’t see them in 12in23 page.

The ultimate badge for 12in23 I think is over.
The monthly badge is still available, but you need to do them in the correct month.