Unable to stop mentoring Clojurescript

Since Clojurescript was deactivated, I haven’t been able to remove it from the tracks I’m mentoring. There’s no ClojureScript track button in the “Change the Tracks you mentor” window’s grid.

Also, can someone end my ClojureScript mentoring discussion (id 443e647cf0f44ed3a9d88dd5247fd7ee). The discussion page won’t load now so I can’t end it myself.

Since I’m a maintainer, I can load the mentoring discussion so that’s no longer an issue.

However, I still can’t remove myself as a ClojureScript mentor.

@iHiD, hopefully this is a quick fix?

@ErikSchierboom can tidy this up for everyone when he’s working next week :slight_smile:

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I’ve just ran a script to fix this.