What *new* programming languages are you enthusiastic about?

Personally, I really dig Unison. Its syntax is inspired by Haskell, but it has a ton of really interesting features like content-addressed code and nice algebraic effects known as abilities. We even have a Unison track on Exercism!

What new languages are you excited about?


I was enthusiastic about Zig quite a while ago, but it’s taking so long to reach version 1 that my enthusiasm has waned to a very casual interest.

Carbon might be promising, but it’s only experimental now, so I have no actual enthusiasm for it. But I’m intrigued.

That’s all that’s on my radar at the moment.

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Vlang - Very similar to Go, but tries to address some of the issues with Go. Brings the syntax of Go closer to Python. Waiting for it to mature more before giving it a real chance.


I was also very exited about Carbon, but with a closer look, I don’t really now what I would get from it and not just doing the task in C++.

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I’m curious about Gleam. Seems like a love-child of Elm and Erlang, both of which have some great ideas in them.


I’ve started developing the V track! If you ever want to contribute that would be fantastic!