Wondering if someone would like to review new exercises for the Julia track

I’ve made a few (ten and counting) exercises for the track, and they just need review. I would be happy to work with anyone who would be willing to do that.

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New practice exercise connect by depial · Pull Request #718 · exercism/julia · GitHub for reference

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I’ll take care of that.

Thanks! Here is the issue which is tracking the exercises I’ve made.

I assume it’s best to do one PR per exercise from scratch, since those could take more review. How about for the exercises from problem-specifications? Also one at a time, or should I open a PR with all (currently eight) exercises?

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Always one PR per exercise please.

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PR for the next exercise: Binary Search Tree

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I am happy to help with the reviews, but I am new to contributing, so any pointers to relevant background info, processes, etc would be good.

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Sorry for the late response @ngdavies. I was out of town for a couple of weeks. You should be able to add review suggestions on PRs, so feel free to comment. That said, I’ve found that learn-as-you-go and help-where-you-can is how to pick up how everything works on the site. Cheers!

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