Badges and Notifications for 48 in 24?

I am wondering since I just completed all the 48 in 24. Is there going to be a notification or a badge for it?

You said “I just completed” so I am not sure if this is an indication that only a couple of minutes have passed by, and a daily job has not processed, or if “just” means in the last few days.

But I am not aware of a “Completed the 48 in 24 Badge”. However, if it exists, a time frame could be helpful to troubleshoot.

Also, congratulations on something that may be a pretty rare achievement!

Discussion in Badges for 48in24

Thanks. I just finished it this morning. I had been dragging my feet on the WASMRun length coding. I did it one opp code per line so it turned out to be 390 lines long with comments and everything. I have enjoyed this chalange. I even did them on my computer which means I have quite a few languages installed now. There was only two that I couldn’t do that with because I am 100% blind and the IDE’s were not accessible so I had to do them on the web.

I also did all of them in python so in a way I did more than I needed to. I just liked doing them all in python to start.

Anyway. This was fun. can not wait to see what the next year chalange is.

Good to know that the web site works well for you in terms of the 100% blindness. That says a lot, but also do not hesitate to let us know where that may fall short.

Even with an IDE that is designed for a language I often go back to my editor that I am comfortable with, but the ones designed specifically for a language can definitely be helpful, if they are usable. When they are not usable, hopefully it is on their mind to make it that way.

The only one that will never be accessible is Pharo (Smal talk) It is a fully graphical environment and so far no Blind Software Engineers that I know care enough to fight for it to be made accessible. You should see the code I wrote for roman numerals. I was only able to do it with straight if and else. Later on the second Pharo assignment I was able to figure out the while loop. That coding language was not meant to be written by hand.

The only problem I have with the Exercism coding editor is my screen readers do not handle line wrapping well in the web editor and that is not Exercism’s fault. I wrote all mine using things like VS Code Boxer, Intelli-J and Notepad++.

The other language that I didn’t like and probably will never code in again is Unison. It hates me and I give it right back. The guys who created it think it is the next best thing to sex and sliced bread. I disagree. It is more like sky diving with rocks and no shoot.

It was a lot of fun doing all these though. I am up to 65 of the current languages and will continue to try to improve in them all.

I work as a Senior Software Engineer when I am not playing and I teach coding online and share this web site with all my students. It is a great way to both improve your strength in algorithms and knowledge in which languages are better for what. I mainly joined to learn how to use my IDE’s better with my screen readers and it definitely has done that.

Maybe now that I am done with this I might see about helping add some more to some of the different tracks.

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