[48in24 Exercise] [02-13] Protein Translation

This issue is a discussion for contributors to collaborate in getting ready to be featured in 48in24. Please refer to this forum topic for more info.

We will be featuring Protein Translation from Feb 13 onwards.

Staff jobs

These are things for Erik/Jeremy to do:

  • ☐ Check/update exercise in Problem Specifications
  • :ballot_box_with_check: Create + schedule video

Community jobs

For each track:

  • Implement Protein Translation
  • Add approaches (and an approaches introduction!) for each idiomatic or interesting/educational approach.
  • Add video walkthroughs (record yourself solving and digging deeper into the exercise).
  • Highlight up to 16 different featured exercises (coming soon)

Existing Approaches

You can use these as the basis for approaches on your own tracks. Feel free to copy/paste/reuse/rewrite/etc as you see fit! Maybe ask ChatGPT to translate to your programming language.

Track Statuses

You can see an overview of which tracks have implemented the exercise at the #48in24 implementation status page.

I’ll port to Julia and Kotlin since I already did Groovy.

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Already implemented for Python, and approaches are in progress.


Hey! I just now read that you also want to add the Kotlin one :see_no_evil: Posted this a couple of minutes ago: Kotlin - Protein-Translation (exercise) [48in24].

I hope you don’t mind, otherwise feel free to keep my PR closed. That’s okay :slight_smile:


No worries, I’ll find something else to port. :slight_smile:

I’ll work on adding it to the lfe track


I’m struck down by a nasty flu, which is why I won’t have much time to prepare for this video. Any interesting solutions you could point me to would be greatly appreciated!

@kotp worked on this one with me for twenty-two iterations over four months.

I’ll port this for OCaml. If all goes well, I’ll also do scrabble-score for the track.

PR for adding protein translation to LFE: [48in24 Exercise] [02-13] Protein Translation

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2 approaches for PowerShell tracks.

The Dart PR has been waiting patiently for approval (although increasingly impatiently)

I’d like to get that wrapped up before submitting a list-ops PR.

I just approved it :slight_smile:


The Fortran PR is also waiting for approval:

I think the idea was to have the changes to the test lib reviewed first:

More recent, but x86-64 is assembly is now also ready for reviews :slight_smile:


I’ll work on Emacs Lisp next week.

I know I’m late, but in case it may interest others, I think the way I went about it in C differs from the approaches I’ve seen so far: it interprets a sequence of 3 bases as a 6-bit number, used as an index in a table.

This is it sort-of similar to the approaches featured at the end of the video in C++ and MIPS asm, in that a sequence of 3 letters is converted to a number, but using a different (more complex) conversion procedure, producing a number in a small enough range that it can be used to index into a table.

This takes advantage of the structure of RNA and the fact that the code “has no gaps” - so in a sense it’s less general, but also more tailored to the problem at hand.

Clojure sync

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